
April 30, 2013

Minimalism Through Yoga

I have decided to change the focus of my blog to yoga principles as yoga encompasses minimalism and so much more for the growth of a person.

Yesterday, after I wrote my post on Santosha (Contentment), I kept that principle with me throughout the day. This morning when I woke up, I realized that the reason I was not able to stay a minimalist in the past is because as humans, we can only take limits for a certain amount of time until me retaliate from them. Now, I am not saying that minimalism is limiting in itself, but it is limiting if there is not a deeper purpose for it. I wanted to have less things, so that I may be free -unattached from them,  from taking care of them, housing them and being distracted from them, so that I could pursue my goals. However, where minimalism failed for me is that I became anxious and would obsess over minimizing the items.

What it did not make me realize and what yoga makes me realize is that I am already free. I am like a bird in a cage with the door open. These things that surround me get in my way, but material possessions in excess of the necessities do not bound me. Embracing that freedom already within me gives me courage and boldness to let things go - to not worry about the future and needing them or not having money.

I have always needed some structure and discipline to achieve anything in life - whether it is maintaining a regular yoga practice, or achieving something academically or on the job. Freedom and boldness does not mean irresponsibility or lack of discipline. They mean a willingness to challenge yourself of your limitations, so that you may become an even better person. In the most successful moments of my adult life, yoga has helped me achieve that freedom and boldness through it's discipline and self-expanding principles. So, I am re-committing to yoga. The rest will follow. That thought in itself makes me feel free as there are no deadlines or lists to cause me anxiety, but just a clear goal of inner freedom. Minimalism and self growth through yoga is a more achievable goal.

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